COVID-19 Fraud with Dr. Steven Hotze

In this episode, Jason Hartman interviews Dr. Steven Hotze to talk about healthy guidelines and Coronavirus. He founded Hotze Health & Wellness Center with the mission to help patients achieve excellent health without drugs. He is also the author of Hormones, Health, and Happiness. Jason and Steven discuss how mainstream media is misinforming their viewers to forward the media’s agenda. Steven shares his opinion on economic motivations dealing with the Coronavirus.

Announcer 0:01
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Announcer 0:11
Welcome to the holistic survival show with Jason Hartman. The economic storm brewing around the world is set to spill into all aspects of our lives. Are you prepared? Where are you going to turn for the critical life skills necessary to survive and prosper? The holistic survival show is your family’s insurance for a better life. Jason will teach you to think independently to understand threats and how to create the ultimate action plan. sudden change or worst case scenario. You’ll be ready. Welcome to holistic survival, your key resource for protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Ladies and gentlemen, your host, Jason Hartman.

Jason Hartman 1:00
It’s my pleasure to welcome Dr. Steven Hotze. He is founder and CEO of the HotzeHealth and Wellness Center, president of the American Academy of biologically identical hormone therapy, best selling author of two books, including one that we’ll touch on a little bit today, hormones, health and happiness, a natural medical formula for rediscovering youth with bio identical hormones. But of course, we are going to talk about current events extensively. Steven, welcome. How are you,

Dr. Steven Hotze 1:30
Jason? I’m doing fine. Greetings to you from Euston, Texas.

Jason Hartman 1:34
It’s good to have you on so you have something of a contrarian view you say as to what’s going on in the mainstream media and we would love to hear more about that. So tell us more.

Dr. Steven Hotze 1:47
Well, the mainstream media, the government, health bureaucrats, and the politicians have created irrational fear of mass hysteria and panic surrounding a virus. The Coronavirus this is not a new virus in the sense of that Coronavirus have never existed before before. Most people have never heard the name though because because some of the other Coronavirus diseases that have been experienced in the world in the last 20 years were not called coronaviruses. They were called the SARS virus which was back in 2002 2004. That was severe acute respiratory syndrome that was a Coronavirus, the MERS the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome to 12 to 14 that was Coronavirus, common colds. One of the causes is Coronavirus. And so Coronavirus, has probably been around since the beginning of mankind. But well they were discovered in the 60s and there are numerous coronaviruses and it’s like numerous viruses of the of the influenza viruses and other viruses and it causes respiratory illnesses, just like the influenza virus does. So if we didn’t have a name for it, if we hadn’t, if they hadn’t blown it out of proportion, people might say, well, it’s the low hon flu because it produces the same exact symptoms as a flu it’d be it’d be considered a flu bug flu virus of sorts, just to Corona instead of influenza. So the media is blown out of proportion. Let me tell you why. I know it’s blown out of proportion. The first time I heard about it was in January of this year, I opened up my wall street journal front page cover was 300 people have the Coronavirus in China in three have died. Why would that be front page news and the Wall Street Journal there was a long article on it. Well, I know that that same day. 1800 children had died of diarrhea around the world. And 1800 people died of heart attacks that day. What was so special about three people with a Coronavirus in China? Well, somebody had, in my opinion, this was all well planned out, thought out in advance and I’m not sure who did it who has the ability to but I do know there were a million people in the streets of Hong Kong month before in November demonstrating against the communists guess what

Jason Hartman 4:08
Interesting way to keep them quiet and get them back at home right? Yeah.

Dr. Steven Hotze 4:14
Could all those pay they’re not demonstrating in the streets in Hong Kong? Yeah, not anymore. So anyway, so it comes over here and and the media goes absolutely crazy about it and causes the public to panic. And so I started to run the numbers. One thing I learned from my mother mother when I grew up and she helped me become a contrarian. She said, never follow the herd. When you follow the herd. You’re You’re always going to get stampeded run off a cliff turn around and lead the herd. So when I saw I’ve never seen panic like this. I’ve seen people think wrongly and I’ve thought contrary. There was no question in my mind that this was totally crazy, because because everybody was crazy. They were what we call. Here’s an old expression bat crazy. Just like there’s another word for BBs. By What’s

Jason Hartman 5:01
I think we caught it, the idea. Yeah. Go ahead

Dr. Steven Hotze 5:05
You know, that’s why I use the term. So what I say to this is Bolshevik and I heard that on our New Orleans college radio program this morning. Instead of saying BS the other way they said bullshit biotic guy, which was a nice way to nice, wet, nice way to say. So anyway, yeah, tell us what your well let me let me finish this. Okay, so here we have in America, maybe upwards right now. 25,000 people have died, how many people I had a list your 300,000 or 500,000 have had the Coronavirus. And I want to say so what 600,000 according to CDC and 25,000 had the disease. So what this year the CDC reports that 54 million people in the United States have had the flu. That’s one out of six as opposed to one out of 1000 who’ve had the Coronavirus. Upwards of 62,000 people have died of the flu in the US It’s October 1 that’s 344 every day since October the first we didn’t quarantine and this isn’t the only year it happens every year on average. About 50,000 Americans die of the flu we don’t quarantine we don’t shut down the churches. We don’t close businesses. We don’t social distance. Everybody moves on God we live with it. That’s just part of life. Okay, so why all of a sudden? So why all of a sudden the Coronavirus? Sure,

Jason Hartman 6:22
sure, sure. Okay, sir. Okay. I’ve heard that argument. And I’ve thought that argument myself in the beginning of this. Now, is it fair to say that there are some differences? I know that the numbers are higher on the on the flu, they’re higher on a whole lot of things. I mean, if you want to write a high death rate, just look at abortion. That’s massive, right. Okay. But right, but hang on. Okay. The Arnott factor is higher on Coronavirus, and it has different characteristics. Okay. I mean, with the flu, you only infect like 1.7 other people or something like that. With this. They don’t know, but they think it’s between four and six. And when you do the math on that exponentially, it’s hugely significant. That small, seemingly small difference, right with the infection factor, the contagion factor, the are not factor. So

Dr. Steven Hotze 7:17
Yeah, all do not factor the overnight factor I’ve seen it’s like 2.3. But if it’s if it’s a sprint, if it’s spread, so look, I just go look at the records in South Korea and look at it Singapore look at anywhere else. There’s no evidence at all that that’s really correct. It’s been here three months. Why is it spread to more people? Why aren’t more people say?

Jason Hartman 7:38
Well, I mean, you know, really so that folks would argue, well, we did the lockdowns and you know, we took measures and

Dr. Steven Hotze 7:44
Sir, sir, we they didn’t do any lockdown in South Korea didn’t do a lockdown in Singapore, they’re not doing in Sweden. And the numbers are, are better in Singapore in the south of South Korea than here and not just slightly worse in Sweden, and

Jason Hartman 7:59
he’s trying to get herd immunity. So they have a totally different philosophy, which might be the right one I don’t know. But

Dr. Steven Hotze 8:05
That is theright philosophy that is exact.

Jason Hartman 8:08
Tell us. Tell us about herd immunity a little bit. Explain to our listeners.

Dr. Steven Hotze 8:12
Well, this isn’t. This is not rocket science. This is the way mankind has operated since the beginning of time. In fact, there are tribes today when somebody gets sick, everybody go gathers around the sick person to make sure everybody

Jason Hartman 8:24
gets it. So they get heard of you. And I was a kid we used to have chicken pox parties parents would put together, right?

Dr. Steven Hotze 8:31
Hello, hello. It means a party. That’s the way that it was done. So here’s the way it works. Okay, so we have a new virus that comes over. It’s a Coronavirus, so it’s got different characters, not the same exact viruses a fluke. But the flu strain is different every year. That’s why the flu shots are not effective because you’re taking a flu vaccine from a flu that exists when you make the vaccine, which you’ve got a mutated flu virus six or eight months or so. In just in the flu 50% of the people to get the flu or flu vaccine. It didn’t work.

Jason Hartman 9:02
Okay, so tell us more though.

Dr. Steven Hotze 9:04
Irish causes the most problems with the elderly, the infirm, the debilitated those with pre existing condition. congestive heart failure they’ve got they’ve been smoking, they got emphysema, they have diabetes, okay. And in other in there’s some other coexisting conditions Well, why don’t we just seclude those but those people seclude yourself like it, would you’re in the flu season, don’t get around crowds. 90% of the people would have no no problem whatsoever. And they’d get over it in a week and they’d be done. Well, this is what you ought to do. instead of dragging this thing out, you know, by pushing the they want to push everything down and lower the curb, so it’s more flat and that’s going to go on for how long they’re talking about a year, two years. I say Bolshevik all that. Let’s put all the good healthy people back to work back to school, back to church. greet each other shake hands, you know, hug be close together, let the flu run this virus run itself. Horse in society, boom, get it over with. And then that’s the way you’re going to protect all the other people who are secluded, because they’re not going to not going to have a reservoir host, the virus will be gone to be Oh, otherwise, if you don’t let everybody come in contact with it, you’re not going to have herd immunity. And we’re going to be living with this over the next 12 months, 18 months, much all until we get a vaccine. Oh, what’s that about? Well, who’s pushing the vaccine? Bill Gates? Right, go look up who Bill Gates invest with? Yep. And guess who gets you?

Jason Hartman 10:31
Like everybody has his agenda to don’t don’t consider him some kind of saint. He’s got an agenda just like everybody

Dr. Steven Hotze 10:37
knows. You bet. He does. Yeah. Right. So that’s the situation. So what I’m saying and look, and the other thing to thing you haven’t heard the conventional doctors and buzzy Fauci I call him fuzzy Fauci. And I think he’s a twerp and I just mean that because I think the guy’s goofy is a bedbug. He says, We’re not going to ever shake hands again, really? Well, you may not I’m not sure. I want to shake your hand, sir. Because I sure don’t appreciate what you’ve done to the country and how you have tried to lock everybody down. Listen, the million I saw today, another 6.5 million people had applied for,

Jason Hartman 11:11
for an employer,

Dr. Steven Hotze 11:13
unemployed unemployment. So now that pushes it to 23 million. The feds in St. Louis, say it’s going to go to 47,000,032% unemployment. What kind of public health adverse consequences is that gonna have, sir? Poor people don’t do well, they’re not healthy people. So you got to look at the cost risk benefit. Okay. Think of it. Think of it like this. This is the course of life. People are born. Nobody said today, how many out? I’ll look it up. I should have had this. How many people were born today? How many people were born? will probably 1000s and 1000s. Nobody says, Well, look at all the new life that Well, no, we had some old timers that died. Now, I’m sorry that though these people have died. And and I want to protect them and include them and all that. But the people that you know, a large proportion of the people that die are in nursing homes, how many people come out of nursing homes alive? Let me ask you that what happened? Why did they get put in nursing homes, that’s the last portion of their life. They go there and that’s there in the end of their life, and they usually die of some form of infection is what they do. That’s what happens. They just end so we’re going to kill a whole society. We’re going to destroy all the businesses to help tell us

Jason Hartman 12:24
prevent people from getting disease. I am sure you have an opinion on the economic side as to what’s behind that motivation. What is the benefit to someone, the elite class, whatever, in destroying the global economy,

Dr. Steven Hotze 12:39
it’s the goal to make America a socialist communist country. That’s what they want. The Democrats want that they are gleeful they want to come? Before this even came. They were hoping I heard Bill Maher on TV saying we need a good war session to get rid of I don’t care if the economy collapses whatever we can to get rid of Trump. This is their great opportunity to get rid of Donald Trump.

Jason Hartman 13:01
But I don’t know about that, you know, Trump’s popularity has done pretty well under this. Of course there are critics out there but you know, it’s it’s kind of like a wartime president wartime presidents are always popular. And I mean, are you kidding me? Look at I’m not even being political. I’m just being logical here. You think Joe Biden is gonna beat Trump? I mean, seriously, that’s, God forbid you will? Yeah. Well, sir,

Dr. Steven Hotze 13:25
I don’t even know Joe Biden is gonna make it

Jason Hartman 13:28
pass the Democrat. guys just competent. I mean, you can argue that Trump is too but Biden. I mean, seriously, come on. And Bernie Sanders is a delusional man.

Dr. Steven Hotze 13:38
I know. But, but when you have 32% unemployment, sir, you have social upheaval. Yeah. And when that happens, and you’re not this isn’t going to bounce back. We’ve got to turn things around right now. So what I have done, okay, let me get back what people can do first, you’re in charge of your health Jason, I’m in charge of man. Everybody’s in charge of their own health. The government’s not in charge your health your insurance company’s not your doctors, not your employer is not in charge your health your spouse not in charge, you’re, you’re in charge of your health. If you’re unhealthy, shame on you. It’s your fault. You can be healthy. You just got to make some life choice decisions. One eat healthy, eliminate your simple carbs cut way back on things that convert to sugar. That’s all your simple carbohydrates and starches corn, pizza, corn, potatoes, rice and grain products they all convert to sugar sugar depresses the immune system. It causes inflammation in the body cut that way back most Americans that’s all they all they eat, you know, let’s have a doughnut for Woody. I’m gonna record donuts, okay, another donut of midday on and on. And so they’re carrying around, you know, 70% of our listening audience right now is overweight. 35% are obese, whose fault is that? their own fault your own fault. Get yourself down to an ideal body weight. Second thing is get on vitamins and minerals to support your immune system is very clear. There’s 1000s of papers on the benefits of vitamins. And minerals when it comes to the immune system, and I recommend a, b, c, d, and z, how hard is that to forget that alphabet, A, B, C, D, and z, and you can throw any if you want to. And so I recommend high dose of vitamin A, at least at least 10,000. If you’re feeling well, 50,000 if you’re not internationally is gonna be complex. take vitamin C, I advocated that and have always advocated 1000 milligrams or 25 pounds of body weight because the man was

Jason Hartman 15:27
five pounds. So so another right 150 pound person would be taking 6000 milligrams, wow, right? Oh, my gosh, okay. And

Dr. Steven Hotze 15:37
one setting, or do you take no one will wind him up at least in two, it’d be better if you take it in three, you want to kind of keep a constant dose of vitamin C. And the reason I come up with that, I want Let me tell you why I come up with that number. All the main you may not know this, all mammals and all all vertebrates make vitamin C except for humans, monkeys in guinea pigs, we don’t make vitamin C, they make 1000 milligrams per 25 pounds of body weight when they get sick, they double the amount. So that’s why I recommend and I’ve taken 10,000 milligram rounds for 27 years. And then the last three years, I take 20,000 milligrams a day. And that’s when so then you need to take vitamin D, vitamin D, you need to take five to 10,000 International national units. Inevitably, everybody we say in our offices, low vitamin D levels, you need to get it above 70 closer to 100 PGS per ml, that would be a good range. And you’ll do well all that. And then take zinc 30 to 60 milligrams a day. And you take more if you get sick, I recommend about 50,000 of vitamin D three, it’s vitamin d3. That’s the act of vitamin D, you take that Be sure to take the take vitamin D 350 1000 milligrams for four or five days if you’re getting sick and then vitamins seek 2000 milligrams every two hours to get loose stools and then take that and you’ll do fine. Unless you have some, you know you’re gonna defend it. That’s all we have to offer. Most people just get over this stuff at all. Some in a court. Of course they have they do have hydro hydroxy clora. Glen, and there’s some that’s that’s a key one that’s been very effective, where it’s been used. I support that. There’s no reason in the world you shouldn’t try it. And the only people say well, we don’t know if the trial is a friend of mine.

Jason Hartman 17:18
16 years a couple friends who actually had Coronavirus and were hospitalized. And one of them he was on one of our mastermind calls. And he said I tell you hydroxychloroquine unequivocally saved my life. It was my immune system was attacking my lungs or you know, forgive me if I don’t repeat that correctly. Exactly. But he said something to that effect. And it did like as soon as the hydroxychloroquine started, he started getting well and he was released from the hospital. So yeah. Interesting. Interesting stuff. Steven.

Dr. Steven Hotze 17:56
Let me let me miss your one quick thing. One of the reasons we’re not seeing everybody go back to work until we get a clear, clear pass on this is because they’re worried about plaintiffs attorneys. If I were to hold my restaurant people come in and they get Coronavirus, I could get sued. And that same thing with the churches so there’s nobody said anything about the plaintiff attorneys but everybody’s worried about lawsuits. If anybody wants further information about not only the Coronavirus but natural approaches to health go to my Facebook page which is hope see a Joe TZE health. Now if anybody wants vitamins, I’ve got a vitamin store and you can maybe get them in your local shop ABC, D and z if you want to remember what those go to hotseat, vitamins, h o t ZE vitamins. And I have guess what a doctor owed see immune back. Hello. I want to help you and help your guests in your in your listening audience. Stay healthy. And well. It’s not something you take in a crisis. It’s something you take every day all your life. So you’re ready for the attack. When you are attacked. Your body is healthy, and your immune system healthy. And remember this everybody comes in contact with trillions of viruses or bacteria every day. I hate to say that for all the germaphobes you’d probably make some squirmish. But that’s just the case. And we have an immune system God’s given us to help us fight this off. And one last thing, Jason, remind your audience, for those of us that are Christians and believe in the Bible, there’s a verse of scripture said God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind think logically. Don’t be scared trust guide. Keep yourself in good health by eating healthy taking your vitamins and minerals, getting a good night’s sleep and exercising and you’ll be fine.

Jason Hartman 19:34
Stephen, thanks for joining us.

Dr. Steven Hotze 19:37
My pleasure. And God bless you, sir.

Jason Hartman 19:44
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