Month: August 2009

Raw land is good but self storage is better.

Raw land is good but self storage is better.

Old time investors used to say that the best thing to do during lean times was buy raw land and just hang onto it. Can’t burn down. Can’t be stolen. Don’t even need insurance on...

When in doubt, ask Mr. Trump.

When in doubt, ask Mr. Trump.

The following Economic Survival tips were posted by Donald Trump at Since they reflect much of what Jason talks about at Empowered Investor Network and...

Time to get food thrifty.

Time to get food thrifty.

Most of us have an inkling that we may not be getting the best bang for our buck when it comes to the choices we make in spending that ever-dwindling paycheck. But an inkling is...

Is that a bone sticking out of your arm?

Let’s say your three year old son is bouncing joyfully on the bed. You know that’s what he’s doing because the creaking springs give it away. You head in that direction to...