How Our Lifestyle Makes Us Sick

HS - Jason Hartman Income Property Investing (1)What is making us sick? We know our lifestyle is the problem, but on this episode of Holistic Survival, we will learn how some common lifestyle choices and cultural beliefs may be a factor in many of our issues, such as migraines, obesity, and breast cancer. Jason Hartman interviews medical anthropologist and author, Sydney Ross Singer, to shed some light on these problematic factors. Listen for more details at: Sydney begins with his newest research on sleep. “People in our culture sleep too flat,” he states, explaining the impact it has on circulation to the brain and body. All sorts of conditions can result, such as migraines, sleep apnea, compression of nerves that can cause carpel tunnel, compression of organs, change in bone structure, and many other traumas to the body that one wouldn’t even consider. These conditions as a result of how we sleep are confirmed by NASA studies of the effect of gravity on fluid pressure in the brain and other parts of the body.

Sydney also talks about compression injuries from tight clothing, including a link between tight braziers and breast cancer. Tight clothing and shoes restrict circulation, causing a back up of fluids in our tissues. Toxins in clothing and pesticides, and the common tonsillectomy are associated with weight gain. Stress levels affect overall health. Sydney encourages people to take responsibility for their own health by eliminating different lifestyle choices and give the body a chance to heal. He recommends people experiment with Self Studies to see what may be causing problems, such as wearing loose clothing for a month, raising the head and feet instead of sleeping flat for a week, going a month without a bra. Many diseases and conditions, especially chronic conditions, may be prevented and cured by a simple alteration in lifestyle.

Sydney Ross Singer is pioneering a new field of health research, called Applied Medial Anthropology, shedding light on many ways our culture is making us sick. Since his work often challenges industries that promote or profit from damaging lifestyles, much of his research has been suppressed and censored, especially by the medical industry. Sydney is trained in biochemistry, anthropology and medicine.

He is the author of many groundbreaking and controversial health books, and the director of the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease located in Hawaii. He is internationally recognized for his revolutionary and shocking research linking breast cancer with the wearing of tight bras, which he describes in his book, Dressed to Kill. In addition to the link between breast cancer and bras, research at the Institute has discovered the cultural causes of migraines, Alzheimer’s, stroke, sleep apnea, glaucoma, thyroid disease, obesity, diabetes, and more. Amazingly, these problems may be prevented, and cured, at no cost by simply altering one’s lifestyle. The problem is that people are so conditioned to living the way the culture has taught them that they have no idea of what they are doing to themselves.

To assist people in discovering the cultural causes of their personal health issues, Sydney and his wife and co-researcher, Soma Grismaijer, provide an “out of culture” experience on their 70-acre Hawaiian rainforest preserve, which is also a self-sufficient, sustainable, inter-species community. Here people can leave their cultural assumptions and behaviors behind and experience simple, healthy, back to nature living and the renewed health and vitality that comes with it.

Narrator: Welcome to the Holistic Survival Show with Jason Hartman. The economic storm brewing around the world is set to spill into all aspects of our lives. Are you prepared? Where are you going to turn for the critical life skills necessary for you to survive and prosper? The Holistic Survival Show is your family’s insurance for a better life. Jason will teach you to think independently, to understand threats and how to create the ultimate action plan. Sudden change or worst case scenario, you’ll be ready. Welcome to Holistic Survival. Your key resource for protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Ladies and gentlemen, your host Jason Hartman.

Jason Hartman: Welcome to the Holistic Survival Show. This is your host Jason Hartman, where we talk about protecting the people places and profits you care about in these uncertain times. We have a great interview for you today. And we will be back with that in less than 60 seconds on the Holistic Survival Show. And by the way, be sure to visit our website at You can subscribe to our blog, which is totally free, has loads of great information, and there’s just a lot of good content for you on the site, so make sure you take advantage of that at We’ll be right back.

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Start of Interview with Sydney Ross Singer

Jason Hartman: My pleasure to welcome Sydney Ross Singer to the show. He is the author of several books and he is a medical anthropologist. And we’re going to talk about various life style changes that any of us can make and things that are making us sick out there that we may not realize. And I know some of these things in this interview today will surprise you. He’ll give out his website – it’s But he’ll give that out again later on the show. Sydney, welcome, how are you?

Sydney Ross Singer: I’m fine Jason. Thank you for having me.

Jason Hartman: Thanks for joining us. Where are you located?

Sydney Ross Singer: I’m on the big island of Hawaii on the east side having a beautiful sunny trade wind day today.

Jason Hartman: What a beautiful place. Well tell us a little bit about your background and what it is you do.

Sydney Ross Singer: Well what I do, I’m sort of an out of the box kind of person, I have background in medicine, anthropology and biochemistry. I was in graduate PhD programs and all of that. But I integrated all of them to be what I call an applied medical anthropologist. And what I do is I look at ourselves and our culture and I find out what it does that’s making us sick. Because most of the causes of death in the first world and disease is our lifestyle. That’s recognized by everyone. But these lifestyles are usually things that you’re not even aware of. Most of the time when you say lifestyle to someone they think exercise, diet, basic things like that. But I’m talking about things that we take for granted; the way we sleep, the way we dress, whether we vocalize or not, how we go about our lives. I’ve picked some specific examples because in this show I wanted to share with the listeners some new research we’re doing on various diseases from thyroid disease to all sorts of brain problems, breast cancer and everything.

Jason Hartman: Fantastic. Where would you like to start? I think one of the most interesting parts of what you’ve done recently is your new information on sleep, right?

Sydney Ross Singer: Yes, well the sleep research has become so fascinating and so important because we keep on seeing more conditions that it’s related to. And what it is, is that in our culture people are basically sleeping too flat for too long, and by too flat I mean our head is down without enough elevation. And we already know in science, in medicine, that if you raise the head of the bed like in an adjustable bed when you’re in a hospital, they raise the bed because there are a lot of conditions that that helps; like acid reflux, after brain surgery or trauma, it improves circulation. And that’s because when your body is vertical versus horizontal there are different impacts on brain circulation due to gravity.

Gravity is always pulling our foods down and when you’re standing upright your heart is below your head and has to pump blood up to your brain and gravity resists that. And once it goes through the brain it has to drain back to the heart and gravity assists that. Well when you lie down, the heart and the head are on the same level. So there’s no gravity assistance any longer for drainage of the brain and there’s no gravity resistance to the pressure of the brain. So what we feel in the morning after a night of lying down is typically your whole face and head are getting pressurized overnight.

Jason Hartman: Is that why you’re puffy in the morning?

Sydney Ross Singer: Absolutely. And everything in the head is puffy.

Jason Hartman: And you know what’s interesting; an anesthesiologist friend of mine told me that people that have brain tumors will tend to get headaches in the morning when they first wake up, maybe as a result of that blood flow issue. But here’s where I don’t know where to think of what you’re saying because the ancient Egyptians used to think that you should raise your feet. And you’re kind of saying the opposite; not that they’re right and modern science is wrong.

Sydney Ross Singer: Well I think you want to raise your feet as well. The ideal position for sleep would be like in a recliner or…

Jason Hartman: A zero gravity chair maybe. That sort of shape.

Sydney Ross Singer: Well your buttocks should be the lowest point, like in a dentist chair.

Jason Hartman: Right, which is like a zero gravity recliner.

Sydney Ross Singer: And your head is up and your feet are up. And your butt should be the lowest spot. A hammock is a traditional way that people have slept for a long time. Orangutans use hammocks. You also want to be on your back, and that’s easier when you’re elevated. People don’t like being on their backs when they’re flat; it’s very uncomfortable. We’re not supposed to be flat because of this pressure issue. And by the way as soon as you raise the bed several inches and make a little incline plane, the circulation is tremendously improved. And they’ve already discovered this in space medicine.

Jason Hartman: Certainly helps for acid reflux too.

Sydney Ross Singer: Oh absolutely.

Jason Hartman: Here’s the problem though, I think most people sleep on their side. I know I do. Now hearing this, I’m glad to say I have an adjustable bed but I purchased a select comfort bed and got the adjustable option on it and I used to love it to watch TV and so forth, but I no longer have a TV in my bedroom. Which is probably better anyway, but good for reading anyway. But I like to sleep on my side. What do you do? How do you train yourself to be a back sleeper?

Sydney Ross Singer: Well that’s a very good question and the best thing is to start off with your children sleeping on their back, but it’s hard to break your habits. Sleeping on the side, why is that bad? First of all, realize you’re going to spend a third of your life in that position and there’s a lot of weight in your body leaning on whatever it is on the bottom. Have you even awakened with numb arms Jason?

Jason Hartman: Yeah.

Sydney Ross Singer: That’s because of the compression cutting off the circulation and you do that year after year, and you lean on your wrist, you lean on your elbow, you’re going to get compression injuries. So people can get carpal tunnel problems, they can get nerve impingements and pain that they don’t realize where this is coming from. Also let’s say you’re a right side sleeper and you’re leaning on your right arm as you’re sleeping. Well your appendix is on your right side. You could be pushing your arm right into your appendix; you could be affecting your internal circulation as organs lean on other things. Now both sides you’ve got a problem just with your torso and your arms, and then your legs. If you’re compressing as you lean on your side, your legs are going to compress your testicles and you’re going to be basically cutting off circulation to your prostate and all that area.

Jason Hartman: So is that why the chiropractors want you to sleep with a little pillow between your knees?

Sydney Ross Singer: Yeah. That would help with the circulation there. And sitting in chairs for too long can cause prostate congestion and problems. So realize that putting our legs together is not good for men and even for women it probably isn’t a good thing. But then you go up to the head. You’re leaning on whatever side of the face is down. That side, the ear is going to get compressed and children and adults will get all sorts of ear problems. So kids have little ear infections. You just put them on their back, get them off their ear. They’re leaning on the ear. Your eye that’s down will usually be the worst eye if you have any ocular differences like for glasses. The eye that’s down is usually the worst eye. Your nose will start to bend away from the down side because you’re pressing on it on the pillow. Belly sleeping is the worst because…

Jason Hartman: Well then your neck…

Sydney Ross Singer: Yes and as soon as you turn your head to the side, pressure in your brain goes up. They’ve taken studies on this. Everything I’m telling you actually is known by space medicine but they don’t talk to regular doctors because is zero gravity in space, fluid shifts to the head because there’s no gravity resistance and drain. So astronauts get all sorts of problems. They get ear problems, they get migraines.

Oh, migraines is very important. We did a study on migraines. It was the original head elevation study we did. And what we figured is the migraine is actually a defense mechanism. Because what happens with a migraine, and it’s in the morning so stuff in the morning you know is from something you did overnight so it’s a good hint that it’s a nighttime sleep problem. So you wake up with this headache that’s throbbing and blood is pulsing through your head, your arteries open up. What it is is a brain flush. Because when you’re down all night congested like this, the pressure builds in your head, the fluid gets stagnant. The circulation is not good. It’s got to push itself through to circulate rather than having gravity help circulate. And then the fluid becomes low in oxygen, low in sugar, and your brain is congested.

You wake up, you’re groggy, and you’re not clear minded. And the only way for your brain, there are centers in the brain that can really starve from this and dysfunction. Including things in your pituitary – think about what’s going on in your brain. You have hormone regulation going on as well as the central nervous system and all that system is being pressurized and hypoxic and it’s just not functioning well because of constant pressure every day. So it’s going to affect all sorts of things.

Well, for your brain to cope, it often will do a migraine, which is a brain flush. And people feel better because it’s the only way you’re going to replenish the brain fluid is by pushing it with fresh fluid. So migraines have been shown in fact to be protective against degenerative brain diseases. Because it is like a defense mechanism. We had people raise their beds, their migraines went away after decades of migraines. These were chronic migrainers. Nothing would help these people; they raise their bed and within a couple of days, even the next morning they feel better. Their migraines went away. It was incredible. You’ve got to try that.

What it is, is our beds used to be a lot more saggy in the middle. The old bed mattresses were saggier, the springs were saggier. Now we’re really into flat beds. And we as a culture are into flat sleeping. And Jason, like you said, you have an adjustable bed but yet you sleep with it down. That’s because the culture has this side sleeping preference. And in Asian cultures they have a back sleeping preference and that’s why their heads are round and ours are oblong. Because we’re leaning on the head and that changes the shape. You actually change your bones, your bone shape by the constant pressure and weight of your body. And these are all facts.

And sudden infant death syndrome, they know what happens is the head, the kids have to be on their back because if the head is turned to the side, as soon as you turn your neck it compresses the neck veins that drain the brain and causes fluid buildup. It backs up and your head builds up pressure. So these kids can’t even lift their heads when they’re infants. They need help. So you place them on their belly, they’re helpless to turn over. So you have to put them on their back with their heads up.

You should also elevate them slightly, and if you look at cultures that are not as westernized, they’ll often hang their babies in a hammock. And their heads are up, the baby is comfortable and often times the baby will fall asleep on your shoulder, you’ll lay them down and as soon as you do that they’ll start to wake up and cry. The reason they do that is because their heads are suddenly pressurized and they’re not comfortable. If you put them down instead in one of those baskets that hold the kid’s head up, like you can walk with them and so forth like a car seat type thing, a little more of an incline so it’s comfortable like an adjustable bed position, like I’m saying. The child will probably not even wake up. It’s just the head pressure is just uncomfortable for the baby.

So they recognize head position, but this is an area of science that has come tremendously under study and under discussed because you could do a wedge, you could do extra pillows, you could put blocks under your bed to make an incline plane, it’s not a big money maker. And sleep apnea by the way has been shown to be cured by head elevation. It’s known. Again I think the respiratory centers in the brain stem are getting too congested and hypoxic and they’re not functioning right. And there’s actual sudden death syndromes that people have while sleeping that is caused by their respiratory centers failing. And I think it’s all due to this. Even acne is affected by this, glaucoma; eye pressure is known to be effected by head position.

Jason Hartman: Okay, so let me just stop you. I believe you. Now the question is, how do you do it? So the only thing is just sleep in that shape like the zero gravity chair. Feet elevated slightly, head elevated like you’re in a recliner. Anything else on that?

Sydney Ross Singer: Well the other things to consider are, if your neck is tight like you’ve had a neck injury, then the muscles in your neck are going to be pretty constricted and that can cut down on brain circulation as well. Because if you ever have anything tight, the first things that will cut down are lymphatic’s, the second are veins and the third are arteries because of the pressure issues. So if you put anything tight around your neck like tight collars with neck ties, and you see guys with their neck veins sticking out, look at that next time you’re at a business meeting. How many guys have neck veins sticking out of their necks because of their tight collars? That’s cutting off brain circulation and they’re having high brain pressure at those times. Their eye pressure is high, their sinus, everything; your whole head.

So these are some other tips: you want to get good neck massages, neck adjustments if you have chronic neck injury, you may have constant problems in your life associated with brain congestion. So elevation of the bed is something everyone should do. On the other hand, if you have low blood pressure and your need more brain pressure at the end of the day, gravity does drain your whole body and your ankles start to swell. It’s really just a simple gravity pulling fluid down. So if at the end of the day you have a headache, that’s usually a low pressure headache that when you go and lie down it feels better. That’s how you know it’s a low pressure headache.
In that case you probably don’t want to have your bed elevated more than ten, fifteen degrees. The optimal is thirty degrees as scientists have found out at Nasa. That’s optimal for both heart rate, the heart beats better when your torso is at a thirty degree incline than when you’re flat and your brain circulates better.

Jason Hartman: Right. So any tips on how to do it? And then let’s move on because there’s so much I want to cover with you.

Sydney Ross Singer: Oh yeah. Well you just try it and keep aware. If you wake up in the middle of the night in the wrong position, go back on your back. And if you’re conscious of it and are just really committed to it, you’ll find that it’ll just change your life in a very short period of time.

Jason Hartman: So besides sleeping, what else can people do?

Sydney Ross Singer: Well the other issues of course are tight clothing. We’re known internationally for our work with breast cancer and the link between breast cancer and constrictive brassieres. And what’s happening is tight clothing of any form, it causes compression injuries on your body and the first thing it does is compress your lymphatic system, which is the circulatory pathway of your immune system and drains the lymph fluid from out of your tissues. So whenever you wear anything tight, it’s impairing these tiny lymphatic vessels that drain these tissues and leads to lymph nodes which filter the fluid and white blood cells are produced there and it’s your immune system. But with the bra, the breast, which have to drain most of their fluid to the armpit lymph nodes, are restricted and the compression causes this fluid backup. The lymph fluid can’t properly drain. And you can see that there’s compression if you take the bra off and you see red marks around your shoulders and around your breasts. That shows that it’s too tight. You have red marks and indentations on your skin after taking anything off. Socks, girdles, pants, you shouldn’t even wear girdles or corsets but they kind of seem to be coming back, anything tight.

Jason Hartman: Yeah I was going to say to you what about the old Victorian days with all the ladies wearing the corsets? That must have been…

Sydney Ross Singer: They were killing women for centuries. Woman used to bind their feet in China for like a thousand years and it causes necrosis of the toes. Literally, the toes would just rot and men would change the wrapping on their women’s feet and this was an erotic thing for them. This was going on for centuries. So what happens with the culture is, we try to change nature. And we eroticize that and then it becomes a fashion. But as soon as we try to change nature we’ve changed the way we work. And there’s a design in the way we work. We’re supposed to work a certain way and we heal and we’re fantastic machines that work properly except if you gamble away with this stupid programming that our culture gives us. That breasts need to be higher and look a certain way, or bottoms need to look a certain way or heads need to look a certain way. People have altered their body shape since there was culture. And it causes disease. It just interferes with your body’s natural mechanisms.

Jason Hartman: I had a guest on my show before that talked about the chemicals used in the production of modern clothing nowadays. Like non-iron clothing; I’ve come to love those non-iron shirts. Do I have some pretty bad chemicals rubbing against my skin?

Sydney Ross Singer: Of course. And I think the chemical pollution is really bad in our world. But if our bodies circulate properly, a lot of these chemicals will course through our bodies and we’ll get rid of them. That’s why we’re all not dropping like flies everywhere. We are sick. This country is full of cancers and all of this, but the problem is our circulation is not adequate. I think in order to get rid of all these poisons, avoid them for sure, and that’s in your food. Herbicides, pesticides, all sorts of things you don’t realize you’re eating. The plastics lining the containers, the plastics in everything. All of these are toxic and you need to get out of your body.

One of the things that’s interesting is toxins cause obesity. These pesticides are known to cause obesity because our body stores them in fat and slowly eliminates them or they’ll kill us too fast. They’re fat soluble, so our fat cells absorb these as a buffer to keep these poisons out of the circulation in huge quantities and to slowly eliminate them. And the more toxins we take in, the more fat we need to store this stuff. And that’s one of the contributors to our obesity epidemic. And this is a fact. Just Google pesticides and obesity.

Jason Hartman: A big question on all this stuff, is really how do we flush all these things out? Because I think if you’re going to live anywhere close to the modern world, and even in nature there are toxins too, but let’s just take the modern world. You’re going to come in contact with so many various toxins. How do we flush them? How do we do a better job of not avoiding them but just getting them out if they get in?

Sydney Ross Singer: Well you have to just have good circulation, exercise, don’t wear anything tight, do a lot of massage, keep your body limber. And mostly, I think sometimes a lot of it is your attitude. I think if you think something is going to be poisonous to you, you’re going to react to it that way. And some people are so hyper sensitized, you can do this with hypnosis and in a way it is hypnosis. When people are so conditioned to feeling a certain way about chemicals that they could be hyper, hyper sensitive and then react to it. And then the same person if their minds were changed to not be hyper sensitive to it, they won’t react. I know under hypnosis, I was told by a hypnotist; he hypnotized his wife to eat an onion that he said was an apple. And she took it and ate it with no problems, thought it was a delicious apple. And then he gave her an apple and told her it was an onion and she was tearing, it was incredible. So the power of the mind has to be considered here.

Jason Hartman: So becoming completely compulsive about all of this stuff, that’s the problem here. Everyone hears this show and they want to go out and change their whole life and be totally compulsive. I have an ex-girlfriend and I tease her and say, you have orthorexia. And you probably know what orthorexia is, but maybe our listener’s don’t. It’s someone who’s obsessed with eating organic foods and their diet, they become crazy with it.

Sydney Ross Singer: Well it’s a religion after a while. I think there’s a lot of people that prey on that, and prey on it in terms of products. And they’re preying on fear like everybody else. And I think in these very difficult times where people don’t know who to trust and they are very skeptical and very afraid of everything. And I think you have to avoid these things. I live in Hawaii to get away from it. I give people an opportunity in our self-study retreat center to get away from it and try lifestyle changes because it’s sometimes hard in the context of the real mainland world.

But what you need to try is what we call self-studies, which are life style changes on yourself that you then see, these are risk free and cost free. Let me loosen my clothes and see how I feel, let me get rid of my bra for a month and see how I feel, let me raise my bed, I’ll tell you a few more. But these are things you need to try and we give them to people at our website,, self-studies, this is what you do, this is what you can expect, and we support them in these. It’s very important to take your life into your own hands and not really trust anything but your own feelings and instincts on what feels right. And that’s the beauty of it.

Our bodies really know what feels good for us and what feels bad and if we learn to listen to that, we can avoid a lot of these pitfalls. But you don’t want to be so worried and anxious and adrenalized about everything that you’re stressed out to where your own reaction is so out of proportion to the problem, that we give ourselves these psychological, psychosomatic problems that can be extremely debilitating. And it doesn’t mean it isn’t real. It feels extremely real. But it’s a hypersensitivity. And if it’s hypersensitive, you know it’s your brain that’s dealing with it, psychological. Because there’s no functional benefit to our bodies over reacting to things. We’re supposed to react in a way that’s survival focused, that helps us survive. If something disables us, it’s not helping us. So our reactions that are hypersensitivities are really a combination of a normal reaction that’s amped up with a lot of fear and psychological stuff.

And I think people need to calm that fear down so they can really listen to their bodies accurately and not be so sensitive. But some people are probably going to say, well you don’t really understand how sensitive I am. But I really do. I’ve been through that myself with hypersensitivities. And I saw on myself how it was connected to my stress level. When my stress level goes down, my hypersensitivities go down and I’m able to cope in the world. When my stress level is up, I have problems like everybody else. So I recognize that in myself and I try to keep my stress down and I try to see my symptoms as a reaction to stress.

Jason Hartman: Yeah in terms of getting rid of toxins, you mentioned yoga, certainly eating right, drinking a lot of water, I suppose would be a great thing.

Sydney Ross Singer: It depends on what kind of water. You don’t want to drink the ionized water. That’s a real problem. A lot of people are drinking demineralized water which can really mess up your electrolyte balance and it can deplete you of minerals, and this idea that you have to drink 8 glasses of purified water every day. I don’t believe in any regiments like that. It’s good to keep hydrated and know the signs of dehydration but you want to hydrate with things that have electrolytes in them. Juices and mineral water and more natural sources of liquid. Not deionized, demineralized, through a filter. That’s very modern and not natural type water.

Jason Hartman: Well let’s talk about that for a minute. What about the various bottled waters, Smart Water, Aquafina, Dasani, Arrowhead, all those brands of water out there that people grab a bottle and go on their way. Is there a preference there? Are those deionized, some of them?

Sydney Ross Singer: I don’t know. Each one has their own way and their own sales pitch, but first of all if it’s in plastic, you know you’re getting plastic as an unintentional food additive and that’s from the FDA. I once called them on that because I smelled an old water bottle that was emptied and resealed under the sink. And I opened it up and smelled it and I was blown over by the smell of plastic and I thought, jeez, I drank this. So you get more in your water than you think.

Jason Hartman: And the plastic leaching issue is really the issue of the hormones, right? Is that messing up hormone balance, and is that the feminization of society issue? I heard about that on the news a few years ago.

Sydney Ross Singer: Yeah, they’re called xenoestrogens and that means they mimic estrogens and their environmental chemicals and a lot of them seem to do that. But that might just be one mechanism of their actions. They’re just not good for us. That’s why cancer is so prevalent. We live in a petrochemically polluted world like crazy. And that’s the standard. People are so used to all of these health problems that that becomes normal.

Jason Hartman: Well it’s a big industry, you know? Cancer is big business unfortunately.

Sydney Ross Singer: It is and I’ve run into that with my dress to kill work. And just getting them to even pay attention to these issues when it’s not giving any new treatments or surgery. This is another thing. I want to mention some other issues for your listeners because there’s so many that we’ve discovered that are related to simple lifestyle. Take thyroid disease. Low thyroid is a major problem, and high thyroid. We think they’re both related to vocalization. Now this will show you how limited medicine can be sometimes in the way they think. The human body has a real functional significance in the way things are made. And the thyroid gland, which controls your metabolism and it releases thyroxin which is a hormone, that gland is right beneath your Adam’s apple in your throat, which the cartilage prominence in your throat is your Adam’s apple.

Right beneath it, on both sides of it like a butterfly, is your thyroid gland. Now if you talk and feel yourself right over there, it vibrates. You are vibrating your thyroid when you speak. Now the thyroid has the thyroxin stored inside of it in a gel type substance. It’s stored like a jelly. And massage therapists know that if you massage the thyroid, you make it release thyroxin so it can be mechanically stimulated to release hormone. And there’s already been a study that shows that people get vibrational injury to their thyroid form things like heavy, loud music. Especially with deep bass, like if you go to raves. The low frequency noise can cause vibrational injury to your thyroid. And so can people working in loud factories.

Jason Hartman: What does it do, that vibrational injury? What’s the result of it? What happens to the person when they get injured?

Sydney Ross Singer: Well your cells are getting bombarded with intense vibration that causes mechanical injury to the membranes. And so it’s like an ultra-sonic boom to your cells.

Jason Hartman: You know, it’s kind of interesting that you bring this up because I actually heard years ago, and as much as it annoys me, that bass deep music that is so popular nowadays is actually good for you because it vibrates your body and makes the cells move and even makes lymph move, and circulation occur. Kind of like a Jacuzzi tub would be or a Jacuzzi pool.

Sydney Ross Singer: I know and I went to one just to feel it and it does; your body is vibrating. But what you need to do is research something called vibroacoustic disease or VAD. And what it is, it’s related to low frequency noise, LFNs they’re called. But VAD is a bad condition. You get lung problems from heavy low frequency noise, like in these places that vibrate you. The cilia, which are the hairs on some of your cells, actually cleave. It breaks them off. In your windpipe, we have these little hairs that brush the mucus up towards your throat. These things get cleaved by this type of sound. All your membranes get inflamed. You get headaches and generalized inflammation. You can get joint pain. It’s not a good thing. That’s an example of how your thyroid is one of the first organs that would be effected by vibration because it’s like a gel inside.

Medicine doesn’t even consider the issue of how the voice effects the thyroid. They think about how the thyroid effects the voice. Especially for singers and things, if they get a goiter, a swelling in their thyroid for iodine deficiency or a tumor, that can impinge on the nerves leading to the vocal chords and all of that. So you actually get voice problems with the thyroid problem. But the opposite, which is getting a thyroid problem from either under-utilizing your voice, which means you don’t stimulate it enough and you get hypo. And a lot of women who get hypothyroidism are living alone, they’re on the computer with internet chatting, not vocal chatting. We don’t sing anymore together in groups, we’re more recipients of entertainment. So we become quieter and I think those people are going to start suffering from hypothyroidism.

And then there are people who yell and will have episodes of stress in their lives and will really blow their thyroids by yelling too much. That over vibrates and will cause a transient hyperthyroidism; too much thyroid in your system. And if you’re yelling a lot, an example I had a neighbor that moved into the neighborhood and he was yelling at cars driving by on this rural road too fast. He didn’t want them to go so fast. So he was just yelling at them for months. And then he developed hyperthyroidism and didn’t know about my work in this, so he went to the doctor and of course what doctors will do is they will give you radioactive iodine to see if your thyroid takes it up, to what degree, and that indicates thyroid activity. But that kills the thyroid and they’ll give you more of that to burn out the thyroid, which he had done. And now he’s taking thyroid pills the rest of his life.

So medicine often tries to have medical answers. Medicine and surgery are the goals of medical care. And just as if you went to a chiropractor. Adjustments are the goals of chiropractic care. That’s the methods of these things. So the method of what I do is look at what are you doing, are you singing, are you speaking enough, are you vocalizing enough to keep your thyroid properly stimulated and if not, those are the kind of self-studies I would suggest. Sing for 30 minutes 3 times a day, or hum or chant. All of that will be good for aerating and for lymphatic pumping and for stimulating your thyroid.

So that’s an idea about the thyroid that people can really try on themselves. It’ll take probably a few weeks to see the difference because thyroxin takes a little while to kick in once your cells are stimulated by it. So you won’t see like next day results but you might see by next week or the following week, more energy by singing more. And if you’ve done too much yelling, be quiet for a while. Give your voice and your thyroid a rest and with time they heal. Our bodies do heal.

Jason Hartman: But overall, the singing and talking is actually good for your thyroid? Is that what you were saying?

Sydney Ross Singer: Normal amounts of it are.

Jason Hartman: So really quiet people may actually be damaging their thyroid?

Sydney Ross Singer: Yeah and in fact, I’ve got a nun that just emailed me that said she hasn’t spoken for a very long time and she has thyroid issues. And I was very intrigued with this issue. I’m hoping to do a study with nuns. That would be kind of interesting on this, to find groups of people that either under or over utilize their voice. Now deaf mutes, people that are born with deaf mutism, they can’t speak or hear; they under vocalize obviously and they’re known to develop thyroid problems by adolescence. They’re on thyroid medication because they just don’t get developed thyroids very well. So I think the stimulation with occasional talking and chanting and singing, think about it how cultures would normally do that together. They sing together, they make noise. That’s an important part of our health. It’s actually just vocalizing. So yeah, it’s interesting. All of these subtle ways [0:35:34.5] changes us.

Jason Hartman: Good stuff. Well this is good to know. Sydney, give out your website if you would and tell people where they can learn more.

Sydney Ross Singer: Yes, and sign up for our sick times newsletter. Right now, we just sent one out, it’s about sleep position giving people some tips on how to best change their sleep behaviors and how to make it work. And I encourage people to just join our community. It’s about self-awareness. Be aware of how you feel, listen to your body and if anything goes wrong you should ask, what am I doing to myself that I could stop doing so my body can heal? Because that’s usually the problem. It’s something getting in the way of normal health and it’s the culture that’s making us do it. So

Jason Hartman: Excellent. Sydney Ross Singer, thank you so much for joining us today and sharing some of these tips with us. I am going to immediately try and change how I sleep, beginning this evening. We’ll see how it works.

Sydney Ross Singer: Oh excellent. I hope you let me know, Jason.

Jason Hartman: Thank you.

Narrator: Thank you for joining us today for the Holistic Survival Show. Protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Be sure to listen to our Creating Wealth Show, which focuses on exploiting the financial and wealth creation opportunities in today’s economy. Learn more at or search “Jason Hartman” on iTunes.

This show is produced by the Hartman Media Company, offering very general guidelines and information. Opinions of guests are their own, and none of the content should be considered individual advice. If you require personalized advice, please consult an appropriate professional. Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. (Image: Flickr | CamelCrusher1978)

Transcribed by Ralph

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