HS 245 – Depressed? Give yourself an Oxytocin boost with Dr. Norman Shealy


Dr. Norman Shealy is an 81 year old scientist that doesn’t look a day over 60. He has written over 300 publications, including 23 books, and has appeared on Oprah, the Today Show, and more. He joins Jason today on the Holistic Survival show to talk about lengthening telomeres, special essential oils that will help with aging and disorders, and Norman explains what The Sacred Rings are.


Key Takeaways:
1:30 – Jason welcomes Norman.
1:50 – Norman talks about what DHEA is.
3:00 – Norman was able to discover how to raise DHEA levels in people.
4:50 – Using a special mattress 30-60 minutes a night, the average person had their telomeres increased by 3-4% every year.
5:30 – The electrical method to increase telomeres is not practical, so Norman worked on an essential oil method.
7:45 – Norman feels like he’s 36 and has outlived the average man by 6 years so far.
11:15 – Many disorders in people have been associated with low levels of oxytocin in the body.
13:15 – After using Norman’s essential oils on an autistic boy, the boy was a completely different person after two months of use.
14:15 – Norman talks about pain management and how it has helped his patients.
15:25 – Norman believes it’s human instinct to help another person.


So, a billionth of a watt put in through an acupuncture point can help actually re-energize yourself.

With Air Bliss, you can active the body’s ability to make oxytocin in at least 80% of people.

40% of Americans are clinically depressed and another 40% have what I call a sub-clinical depression miasma.


Mentioned In This Episode:
Living Bliss: Major Discoveries Along The Holistic Path by Dr. Norman Shealy.



Jason Hartman:
It’s my pleasure to welcome Dr. Norman Shealy to the show. He is a pioneer in pain medicine and an inventor as well. You’ll hear about that. He’s also into the anti-aging movement and he’s got something that he claims to be better than TA-65, lengthening telomeres. We’ve talked about that on a past show, so I’m very anxious to hear about that and welcome him today. He is coming to us from Charlottesville, Virginia. Norm, welcome, how are you?

Dr. Norman Shealy:
I am wonderful, thank you. I hope you’re doing as well.

Well, I’m doing well and it’s good to have you on the show. Should we talk about holistic health and pain management first or longevity sciences first?

Which ever, to me it’s all related.

It is all related, most definitely. Let’s go with longevity. I’m just very anxious to hear what you have to say about telomere lengthening.

Well, back in the early 90s I got interested first in DHEA – Dehydroepiandrosterone, because it literally is most important and most abundant hormone in your body. The average person by age 80 have less than 10% than what they had by age 30. So, low levels DHEA are associated with every known degenerative disease. So, my first experiment were to give men natural epiandrosterone cream and low and behold, it did indeed raise DHEA, but it was not good enough. So, one day I sat down and said, what else can I do and intuitively what I received is if I stimulated certain acupuncture points, I could raise DHEA properties.

So, I worked out a system that I call the ring of fire, because DHEA really is so like the energy in your battery, your energy reserve bank, and low and behold when I stimulated with specific electrical current and frequencies, it also DHEA significantly. Over the next several years I began to receive other information about similar, very different circuits. I got a total of 5 different circuits of energy in the body, which have very specific bio-chemical effects.

The next one that I got was what I call the ring of air and it raises both oxytocin and neurontin, both of which are mood altering chemicals. It turns out that the vast majority of people are low in oxytocin, which is normally called the bonding, a nurturing hormone, and then I developed one that was to normalize aldosterone, which is responsible for water and potassium metabolism, then one came for balancing calcitonin, which is actually one of the most important chemicals to keep your bone structure, but also for pain control. The final circuit one I call the ring of crystal for reducing free-radicals, as you know, free-radicals are the things that essentially rust our body, and ultimately wears out.

When I finished all of this work, I said, wow, if we could just keep up our DHEA and our calcitonin and keep our free-radicals low, that alone leaves us living 140 years. The only way I knew to do that at that time was to stimulate electrically, which would take an hour a day and we think we’ve figured a way we can do it by actually making an electrical mattress that goes on top of your regular bed and I have 34 people involved in a long term project and indeed just using that 30 to 60 minutes every night the average person is regrowing telomeres 3-4% every year instead of losing 1%.Under ordinary circumstances, even with good health addicts, you lose 1% a year. Well, last year, I had finished working out ways which we could stimulate these particular circuits not using electrics, but using specific blends of essential oils and it takes 30 seconds to put on 1 ring with the essential oils.

So, April of last year, I converted to just putting on these oils once a day and my telomeres grew another 4.4%. So, it works just as well with electricity. I can take it with me when I travel and it’s helping my neurochemistry, but rejuvenating my telomeres at the same time. So, my telomeres at 81 of age are now equal to your average 45 year old man.

That is amazing, but you know, I’m curious about the telomeres, of course as I mentioned in the introduction, we’ve done some shows on this and it’s fascinating. It seems like maybe we’ve finally really cracked the code into the fountain of youth, but that doesn’t mean you are 45. It doesn’t mean necessarily you’ll live, you have now a lifespan of a today 45 year old ahead of you, do you? I mean, what does it actually mean when we know that telomere length?

We know unequivalently that short telomeres are associated with early death, which is a long, long, numerous studies showing the short your telomeres the earlier you die and so, you know, theoretically, I should be able to live at least another 30 years with the telomeres I’ve got right now. That would only take me to, what, 111? But, if I keep growing, I keep them regenerating, then we may actually go even further, but the average person in this country only living 78 years. That’s average, across the country, and I’ve already outlived the average man by 6 years. The average man dies at 75. So, we’ll see. The thing is energetically, I feel good as I did when I was 36. I’m healthy, I live a very vigorous life. I exercise 60 to 90 minutes every day and most people think that, they claim, I look a lot younger than I am, but more importantly, I feel good.

Right, right, but you don’t look 45, right?

No, I don’t look 45. To me, I look, I dunno, somewhere in the 60s probably.

Yeah, okay, great! Well, you’re way ahead of the game that’s for sure. Let’s talk about from the vanity side of things here for a moment. Did the telomere shortening cause you to look better?

Well, of course. They’re responsible for every cell in your body. Every cell in your body is reproduced.

Well, I should say the telomere lengthening. I believe I misspoken and said shortening. We want them to be long, right?

Exactly. Yes. I have no concentrated on telomerase. There are several groups working on telomerases, but the evidence is overwhelming that men with short telomeres, but very high levels of telomerase don’t live long. Every chance that we know has an increase to telemerase as well as I’m really not focused not on telemerase, but on the telomeres themselves because there you happen to see is longer the telomeres, the longer you live.

So, what you’re saying then is they can be stimulated to grow with electrical current.

Yes. The right kind of electrical current.

Tell us about the kind, let’s distinguish that. So, it doesn’t mean you can stick your finger in a socket, obviously, that’s not going to be good for you. That will shorten your life for sure. You know, a lot of people are using electrical pads for muscle aches and so forth and things like that, I mean, you can’t do something like can you? Will that have an affect?

Human DNA resonates at 5478 billion cycles per second and Ukrainian physicists determined that you can put very low energy amounts of that, a billionth of a watt, through a specific acupuncture points and you never lose the frequency of your DNA, but you lose the strength of it. The wattage, so to speak. So, a billionth of a watt put in through an acupuncture point can help actually re-energize, essentially re-charge your battery and that’s what I started with back in the 90s.

The problem is it takes time. You can’t do that, you know, you can’t just put a electricity in for a second or two, it takes three minutes for each pare of electrodes, but that’s one of the reasons that I began investigating a little over three years ago could I do the same thing with the right blend of essential oils and yes I can. Let’s talk about the one that I consider the most important, because actually, to me, more important than how long you live or even how healthy you live, it’s how happy you are while getting there and it turns out that 40% of Americans are clinically depressed and another 40% have what I call a sub-clinical depression miasma. That is, they’re not quite clinically depressed, they’re sure not happy.

What’s missing is oxytocin. We now know every known emotionally disorder, autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, addiction, all the way up to schizophrenia is associated with low levels of oxytocin that’s when the ring of air comes in and the one that I call Air Bliss. We can put Air Bliss on and, again, it takes 30 seconds to do the 13 points. You just push it in, rub it with a little bottle, and move on to the next point. Within 20 to 30 minutes, you can active the body’s ability to make oxytocin in at least 80% of people.

And, that’s the name of the oil?

Yes, Air Bliss. Bliss.

What is it that it’s such an unusual name? It sounds like a marketing name.

Well, it’s a mixture of 8 different oils that are specifically, well, designed to active this particular energy in the body and we prove them.

Oh, okay, so it is a brand name or a marketing name. Okay, thanks fine.

It is a brand name. You gotta call it something, you know. You have to do distinguish the one that raises oxytocin from the ones that raise aldosterone, etc. So, I have clinical study of autism, on depression, on anxiety, even on post-menopausal symptoms. 80% of people that come out of depression, most often within a couple of days, post-traumatic stress disorder, sometimes within 24 hours. Now, it’s only 80%, but I don’t know what drug in the world that can approach it and it is totally, totally safe. So, to me, it’s the most important, because it makes you feel good and happy and, you know, and like other people. I had a 12 year old brought to me by his parents for autism. So autistic, he wouldn’t come within 3ft of me, two months later he came in and hugged me. That’s the kind of results we’re getting.

I was just going to ask you, you know, how much of this can we attribute to placebo effect, but with the kid, the autistic kid, it’s hard to attribute that to placebo effect.

Right and I’ve got even some 26 year old, in the mid 20’s, aspergers, which is a form of autism. Everyone one of them is doing well.

Good. So, what about the pain management side? I mean, you alluded to that, but we didn’t really dive into it.

Well, that’s the ring of earth. It raises calcitonin is a hormone produced in the thyroid gland, but it’s responsible primarily for keeping your bones strong. You know, the common causes of death in the elder is a fractured hip, so we have proven that stimulated the ring of air raises calcitonin and recalcify bones, but it’s 40-60 times as powerful as morphine in reducing pain. So, I have patients who have failed everything else we had to offer and sometimes even within 30 minutes of putting them on the ring of earth, the pain goes away. So, it is a powerful pain reliever.

Excellent, excellent good stuff. What else do you want people to know as we wrap up?

I think the most important thing is is they should think about what their goal in life, I actually believe the number one human instinct is to help other people, but if you’re not happy with yourself, you really don’t have anything to give other people.

AS Dennis Wadley says, you can’t do good if you don’t feel good. That’s true. You gotta take care of yourself so you feel well enough to do things.

That’s why I wrote the book Living Bliss: Major Discoveries Along The Holistic Path. I consider this collection of specific oils that do specific bio-chemical assistance to be the most important contribute of a live, far more important than all the electrical things that I’ve done.

Well, give out your websites, Norm, and tell people where they can find out more about you.

NormShealy.com and there then you want to look up Sacred Rings, there’s a great big link to that and I have a free email newsletter and there’s archives there for 10 years of all my newsletters.

Excellent, good stuff. Well, Norm Shealy, thank you so much for joining us today.

My pleasure and have a great day.