HS 238 – Andrew Henderson Talks Offshore Banking and 2nd Passports


Off-shore banking and obtaining dual citizenship are the main topics for discussion on today’s Holistic Survival Show with Jason Hartman and Andrew Henderson, the Nomad Capitalist. Together, they consider America’s changing reputation and some possible alternatives for the best places in the world to open an off-shore bank account and even where’s best for obtaining a second passport or dual citizenship. Investors and travelers, take note.


Key Takeaways
03.05 – Off-shore banking opportunities for Americans are so few, and they’re getting fewer still.
04.55 – Bank in the place where you’re treated best. This likely isn’t where you’re living now.
07.35 – We have these impressions about certain countries, but maybe it’s better to have a rethink.
14.24 – Diversification means having some of your eggs outside of the US basket.
19.28 – Remember: just having some money in an off-shore account works as a great stepping stone.
21.10 – You have a number of options when it comes to getting a second passport; make the most of them.
23.35 – If you choose to obtain a residency, Panama is a great option for Americans.
28.25 – No-one knows what’s going to happen and diversification is the best way to prepare.
31.00 – More information about Andrew Henderson at www.NomadCapitalist.com or for event-specific information, head to www.PassporttoFreedomEvent.com


Mentioned in this episode

Freedom and business-friendliness involves good electricity and consistent high-speed Internet.

Are we really in a situation where if you’re a really big crook in the US, you’re too big to fail?

Colombia could be a huge emerging market full of opportunity because no-one expects it to be!



This show is produced by the Hartman Media Company. For more information and links to all our great podcasts, visit www.HartmanMedia.com

Welcome to the Holistic Survival Show with Jason Hartman. The economic storm brewing around the world is set to spill into all aspects of our lives. Are you prepared? Where are you going to turn for the critical life skills necessary to survive and prosper? The Holistic Survival Show is your family’s insurance for a better life. Jason will teach you to think independently, to understand threats and how to create the ultimate action plan. Sudden change or worst case scenario – you’ll be ready. Welcome to Holistic Survival; your key resource for protecting the people, places and profits you care about, in uncertain times. Ladies and gentlemen, your host: Jason Hartman.

Jason Hartman:
Welcome to the Holistic Survival Show, this is your host, Jason Hartman, where we talk about protecting the people, places and profits you care about in these uncertain times. We have a great interview for you today and we will be back with that in less than 60 seconds on the Holistic Survival Show. By the way, be sure to visit our website at www.HolisticSurvival.com, you can subscribe to our blog, which is totally free and has loads of great information, and there’s just a lot of good content for you on the site so make sure you take advantage of that at www.HolisticSurvival.com. We’ll be right back!

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Jason Hartman:
It’s my pleasure to welcome Andrew Henderson to the show, he is known as the ‘Nomad Capitalist’, and I invited him on the show today because I want to talk a little bit more about second passports, dual citizenship, off-shore banking and some of the opportunities like that around the world. Andrew, welcome, how are you?

Andrew Henderson:
Hey, it’s great to be with you, my pleasure.

Yeah, it’s good to have you. Give our listeners a sense of geography; where in the world are you located?

I’m all around; I have a home in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as a base and I travel to 25-30 countries a year. Right now, I’m gearing up for a big event that we’re doing so I’m stationary here, and I think it’s a great place to live.

Good stuff. So you’re located in KL today, is that right?

I’m in KL.

There are kind of two major topics I really want to get your expertise on for the listeners today. One of them is the off-shore banking, because that’s probably going to happen – maybe we’ll go in chronological order. If someone looks at the idea of internationalizing their life, and regardless of what country they live in, but especially if they’re American – I used to think this was a blessing, but in many ways it’s a curse. The reason it’s a curse is because the American government is just so intrusive that no matter where you go in the world, if you try to open a bank account and you’re an American, it’s like having a scarlet letter on your forehead. They just don’t want to do business with you, and that’s because of reporting requirements and so on and so forth. That’s probably what someone does first when they start to think of internationalizing their life; they’re probably dabbling in off-shore business and off-shore investment, and to do anything, you’ve really got to have banking. Maybe they’re doing an off-shore entity for asset protection or tax planning purposes, although I don’t know if there are any off-shore tax benefits at all anymore. At least there are asset protection and diversification benefits.

What do we need to know about banking? Does one need to create an entity to do off-shore dealings?

Here’s the thing in the United States, and it’s funny that you mentioned how years ago it used to be a blessing. If you look at the Top 20 list and you look at the best places to be born list that they come out with every year, the US was number 1. Now I think it’s not even in the top 20. On a list for personal freedom, it’s not in the top 20. On a list for innovative freedom, it’s not in the top 20. Banking; I think it’s 40th. With all these things it was ‘Oh, we’re number 1’, but there’s nothing that’s number 1, really. That’s when you look at where can I go, and as I say, go where you’re treated best.

Where is the best place to bank? It ain’t the US and it ain’t the UK. It is the best for a step in my opinion, because it’s super duper easy to at least get something done. Maybe it’s not the best way, but you can do it from your living room, really. Really, I think the best way to get started for the average person is to just do it yourself. You don’t need an entity, you don’t necessarily have to have a corporation or a trust. In fact, that a lot of the times complicates things if you’re just trying to dip your toe in and make that first step. Having money off-shore, personally, I think is the best place to start because you hit it on the head. If you’re going to stay living in the United States, you have to pay your tithe – there’s no escaping taxes if you’re just going to live in the US 365 days a year. To get the full benefits of going off-shore for tax, you’ve got to live off-shore as I do, and as 7 million other people in the US do.

In terms of asset protection, keeping your money where it can’t just be seized or frozen at a push of a key on keyboard – you can do that with $500. There are banks, largely in the Americas, that will open accounts via correspondence via FedEx. There are banks in emerging markets like Europe that will open as many accounts as you want, just by going there. And then there are banks that are the big on-shore banks in Hong Kong and Singapore or in Germany and in all the big places which require a little bit more effort.

Yeah, when I was in Singapore a few months ago, I checked into it there and you’re got to have an entity. It’s fairly expensive to do your entity formation and so forth in Singapore; there are definitely less expensive places, but it’s a good, solid, advanced country.

I’ve got to just debate this with you for a moment about those lists – I see them all the time. People are constantly sending them to me or I just find them surfing around the Internet – like the ‘freest places’, the ‘most business-friendly places’, all of these things. I just don’t see it. I have these people come on the show and they talk about places like Belize, even Panama, which is probably the most advanced place in Central America, they talk about Argentina, they talk about everywhere around the world. I don’t know, man. The US just seems so much more advanced than so many of these places. I guess the only one I’d maybe say is advanced is Singapore.

To me, freedom and business-friendliness involves consistent, good electricity and high speed Internet access that is actually reliable. None of those surveys seem to count that! Or roads without a million potholes. Or medical care that’s accessible and advanced.

Let me speak to a couple of those points. Look, I am basically an anarchist so I say the less I have to deal with the government, the better. In terms of business and in terms of personal freedom, I’m willing to step over a few broken cobblestones if it means I don’t have to see the police, if it means I don’t have to be constantly living in fear that every joke is going to have me thrown in jail for 10 years, if it means I don’t have to have my genitals grabbed at the airport. I enjoy the personal freedom, but let’s be honest, I just logged into my Hong Kong banking account this morning and I wanted to make a transfer. I sent some money to a guy who did some work for us. He got it like 6 hours later, so it’s lightning fast wired transfers. I can send and transfer money from my own account in 13 different currencies. Everything is affordable, whereas in the US if you send a wire, it’s like $50. You can send wires from Hong Kong and it’s $8. Everyone’s used to it.

And then you talk about medical care. Here in Malaysia – I just went to the dermatologist, I just went to the dentist. I get all my medical care here, and I probably got $10,000 of medical care (in the US) from UK-trained physicians with perfect English, in what was actually rated as the Number 1 Medical Tourism hospital on the planet, for less than $1000. I look, for example, at best places to be born. Why would you have a child in the United States when you can go to Brazil, Panama, Chile, Mexico – any of these countries that have plenty of medical tourism facilities. Get your child a second citizenship, which we’re going to talk about later, instantly. If they’re born there, you can instantly get them a second citizenship, and probably save 80-90%. That’s just one example.

The medical, the banking, the freedom. I think there’s a lot more consistency than you give it credit for, and I think that the US is overrated in a sense of ‘oh, there’s no cronyism here’. Are you kidding me? Look at the defense industry. Look at the banks. It’s endless cronyism.

Yeah. I agree with you. The funny thing is, and it’s sort of a hard paradigm to reconcile. I struggle with this one all the time, and I think about it a lot. You look at these corruption ratings, and I’ve had many people on my show saying ‘Oh, Ecuador is a great country for all these reasons’. But that’s one of the most corrupt countries in the world, according to the corruption surveys. It’s like in the US our corruption is, and this might sound funny, but it’s legalized. The corruption goes on between the big government and big corporatocracy complex, with lobbyists and so forth. It’s like legalized corruption – it’s part of the system. In these other countries, it’s all over the board. At least in the US, it’s kind of reliable as in you’d know what to expect.

I say things that are critical of the government constantly, like everyday on my show and on Facebook and so forth. No-one’s knocking on my door, bothering me, so far. (Knock on wood!) I don’t know. You hear stories occasionally, but it just doesn’t seem to be very common out of 310 million people.

Well, Jason, let’s talk about corruption in Vietnam, one of the most corrupt countries in the world. I have dozens of friends who run businesses there, some of them local business like restaurants. The corruption is that they give a bottle of whisky to the cops every month. The cops look like the most disorganized bunch of rapscallions you’ve ever seen; it’s like from a sit-com, almost, with these cops doing their drills up and down the street. Then they pop in and they ask for a pack of smokes. Listen, before the show I was watching a show called ‘White Collar’ on TV. Here’s a guy who does all this forgery and all kinds of security nonsense and he gets 4 years in jail. That’s fiction, but where’s Jon Corzine right now? Where are all these crooks? Where all these guys that are part of this huge fraud system?

That’s what I’m saying. If you’re a really big crook in the US, you’re too big to fail, so Jon Corzine doesn’t go to jail. Bernie Madoff did, thankfully, but I still think there was a cover-up on the Madoff thing, and that’s why he just pleaded out and we never got any public trial, which I actually would have really liked in that case. I have a feeling there was a lot more there than meets the eye, but that’s just my opinion. Yeah, Jon Corzine – it’s unbelievable, MF Global and the fact that Wall Street is the modern version of organized crime. You’ve got these guys bonusing themselves and back-dating options, of course, but I don’t play on Wall Street. I would never invest with a company like MF Global. I just do my own direct investing. I love real estate and my own businesses, that’s what I invest in.

Anyway, I don’t know, we don’t need to debate that forever, but I just wanted to bring that up because you mentioned the list. If you have another comment to have the last word, please.

Look, I know you’re in US real estate and I respect that, and certainly there are some opportunities. I, personally, want to get away from the system because I see the capital controls coming, I see all the de facto controls where you have this society of people – and I just wrote about this today on our website. The worst thing going is you’ve got a society of people that think ‘Holy crap, if I go to Mexico I’m going to get murdered’ and if I put my money in Canada, they might take it.’

Hold on a second. All these guys who are off-shore in Switzerland and Lichtenstein and all that, they’ve got a lot more money than you and they’re not losing all of it. There’s this mindset that’s just playing into Government of ‘If you leave the country, it’ll all be over!’

Oh no, no, no. With the advanced countries, I agree – Switzerland, Canada, you’re not going to have a problem. But Mexico? I wouldn’t trust Mexico.

Live in Mexico, bank in Switzerland, that’s the answer. Of course, you can’t bank in Switzerland now because the US Government has bullied them to within an inch of their lives and they won’t take you.

Right, exactly. You’ve got the scarlet letter on. We all understand that. What’s interesting, though, in the US is the Puerto Rico opportunity, and I’ve done a few shows on that. That’s pretty fascinating; it probably won’t last forever but at least you have it now. Let’s get back to your points because I really do think it is wise to diversify. Even if you’re not ready to make the physical move, you should have some of your eggs out of the US basket. That’s just prudent. How does one do it? Are there three best places to open a bank account? Maybe the easiest, most secure – I don’t even want to say best return on the money because we’re in this zero interest rate environment around the world. Do you have like three top picks that are your favorites?

Well, it depends on your situation of course. If you’re just saying ‘Hey, I don’t have a lot of money, I want to do something I can’t afford or I’m unwilling to travel’, then you can go to a place. The best one in the Americas is probably Belize. If you’re not an American, if you’re not a US citizen, you go to Peter Schiff’s bank, you go to Pacific Bank, you go to Hermes Bank. Those are probably the best banks in the Caribbean, but they don’t take Americans because they can’t afford to. If you are an American, there are a couple in Belize. We write about these ones that are decent – $500-$1000 and you’re in. If you’re willing to go somewhere and you want to get into the Canadian system and you want a super-strong jurisdiction but you’re not willing to go far. I don’t really trust that Canada’s not in bed with the US, but that’s not a bad one. If you’re looking for old-school Europe and you’re willing to travel, you can go to Andorra. You really don’t need any minimum, they’re just going to charge you an annual fee. If you’re looking for something progressive, then I think Singapore is good. There are still a few opportunities there. One of the things I recommend that people look into is the big multi-nationals – you don’t get as many protections but it’s easier to open. With an HSBC, the service can oftentimes be shabby, but if you’re looking for a high-brow jurisdiction like Singapore, like Malta, like the UK, then those are places to go.

It really depends on how much you’re willing to travel, how much money you have, are you willing to pay? You’re going to pay a little bit of fees no matter where you go, but it all depends on a couple of different factors. Those are probably the best options for different people.

Yeah, and I would agree mostly. I like most of those, except Belize. I just think Belize is so backwards. I had John McAfee on the show, telling about his Belize adventure (or misadventure, I should say). Wow. That was not a good story, to say the least. The others are more modern, and can you do it? Can you do it remotely? Will they allow Americans to open a bank account? In Singapore, for example, you have to go there. Say Andorra, for example? Do you need to go?

Absolutely, 100%. Yeah, you’ve got to go there. There are not a lot of places, like I said, with the American banks as in the Americas – the Caribbean, Belize. Those are the ones that are oftentimes remote, but there’s one bank in Mongolia that you can open remotely and you can make 15% in the local currency. A couple of other people on my business were touting that as some magic potion for a long time, until the currency got whacked 40%. Then they seemed to vanish and never talked about it again. With the KYC and all that, it’s becoming very difficult. Hong Kong is a favorite of mine, but they are really becoming difficult these days – not just for banking but for renting a safety deposit box for gold. Banks no longer really even sell gold to foreigners. It’s becoming tough in Hong Kong, so that’s kind of the direction that the industry is going.

Here’s one thing you can do, for example. You can go to Georgia, which some people would say has some geo-political risk. There are a couple of good banks there and it’s very modern. In fact, I’m going to be there next week. You have to go there one time, you can open one account. As long as they see you once, you can then just go and open more accounts from home. They’ve got an account at one of these banks where you get guaranteed 4%, and then you get the increase in gold up to 12%. If you have a decent amount of money and you believe ‘Alright, I trust this jurisdiction with part of my money’, ostensibly you could make 12% and that could be worth the trip. It’s a nice country!

Well, 12% with what inflation rate, though? What currency is it in?

You can do that in US dollars as well, but it’s tied to gold so US dollars, CDs might make 4-5% for a year, but if you’re willing to tie it to gold, then you can get a certain spread based on gold against your deposit. That’s the kind of thing that happens when you get out into these other countries. Here in Malaysia, they’ve got accounts that are backed in gold. Hong Kong has accounts that are backed in gold. You really can’t open those unless, like you said, you have a structure or you live here. Places like Georgia are more innovative. Singapore still is a little bit innovative. Andorra is still open. And then it’s the Americas. The list is shrinking, and this is why I think it’s important to start it.

Even if you go to Belize, even if you put $500 in Belize, you now have an account. If you’re not worried about the $500 – I don’t think you’re going to have a problem with $500 – at least now you have a tunnel. Now you have somewhere you can go, and then from Belize you can invest in mutual funds off-shore, or now you can send money from Belize to Hong Kong. It opens up possibilities, just getting started.

That’s a good point. I’ve been to Belize a couple of times and I’ve visited the banks there and I did not feel comfortable. I even know some of the owners of KeyBank, and I’m just not impressed with Belize at all, I’ve got to tell you. You’re right, though, that does create a tunnel, and it also gets your mind thinking about the whole system. Once you go through the practice of doing something, it becomes less foreign to you. Yeah, that’s a good point.

What would even be better is if we can diversify assets, and at the same time, we can work toward having a second passport and dual citizenship opportunities. Are there some picks for that?

Absolutely. I think that citizenship insurance is going to be one of the most important things because look at what’s happened in the US with all these laws like FATCA, like capital controls, like Dodd-Frank. All of this is creating problems for Americans and again, I just wrote about this today, I have members of my private club who are Swiss, Australian, Norwegian, from various places, and they’re trying to kick their US partners out because their US partners won’t move out of the country, they won’t get a second passport and it’s dragging them down. They can’t get any business done.

There are three ways to get a second passport. The first is if you’re part of the lucky club where you have Irish, Italian, Greek, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Serbian – did I miss one? – heritage. I say Italian, this goes back 2 or 3 generations. I just had a friend who got Italian citizenship for him and all of his kids. It cost him less than $5,000 with the lawyer fees and it was pretty fast.

By the way, and that’s not bad – Italy would be a decent passport, although the country may well have an economic collapse. At least it’s part of the Euro. How do you check your ancestry? Do you just go to www.Ancestry.com and spend a couple hours there and work on that, or do you have a recommendation?

That’s a good place to start. A lot of these programs let you go back 2 generations. Lithuania, if you’re lucky, will let you go back 3. I kind of know where my family was 2-3 generations ago. This isn’t like if you were related to a viking sailor back in the 11th Century or something. It’s got to be something recent. Italy, for example, or the Republic of Italy, looks at 100 years roughly, so you’ve got to be within that framework. Ancestry.com is a good place to start. I know that in Lithuania and Latvia, they’ve got archives, and it is time consuming. You’ve been there, I’m sure – these are countries that are more sophisticated and developed than most people would think, but not when it comes to the archives. The good news is you can hire a lawyer for $500-$1000 to do all the digging for you, but that’s often what’s required. That’s what my friend did in Italy – for $5,000. The fees were very nominal, but it’s the lawyer doing all the bureaucracy and doing all the checking and making sure that this bloodline is the right one and that kind of thing.

The good news is that there are guys out there who can help you. We talk about this in our private club and at our events because there’s a lot to it, but when you boil it down, it’s not expensive. Of course, you can invest in passports – Europe has a couple of programs in the million+ range, the Caribbean has a couple of programs. There’s actually one in Dominica now where you can buy real estate for $200,000 and get citizenship in 6 months, and you can then sell it a number of years down the line. That’s interesting.

Or you can just go and live somewhere and get a residency. For Americans, the best one, in my opinion, is Panama. Five year timeline, you can put $5,000 in the bank, have one economic tie, whether that’s a Panamanian corporation, whether that’s ownership in a timber share, whether that’s ownership of some kind of real estate, even some kind of fractional real estate ownership qualifies. $5,000 and maybe a company that you spend $2,000 on, and you can get residency. You don’t have to live there full time, and in 5 years, you can get Panamanian citizenship. That is a very good citizenship. Other than being able to go to the US or Canada, it’s very good. Colombia, I think, will be a very good emerging one. For $200,000 in real estate, you can go there one day a year – you only have to go once a year – and in 5 years you qualify for citizenship. They’re getting EU access next year, so that’s going to be an excellent passport.

Yeah, and kidnapping in Colombia’s down by 78%, but it’s still high.

I just had a friend come back from Colombia and say this place is on fire. For a couple of years now, everybody I talk to who is doing business in Panama, they’re all going to Colombia, they’re all making a fortune. People are becoming millionaires there, and here’s the thing, Jason. This is really what I practice. I practice kind of a tax-haven adjacent strategy. I’m in Malaysia where things are cheaper, it’s more free, it’s more laid-back, but I’m right next door to Singapore so I get the best of both worlds. I see that with Panama, which I think could be the next Singapore in 15 years. Colombia’s kind of the underrated gem. Colombia has the second freest economy in all of South America, next to much ballyhooed Chile, but no-one knows it. To me, that’s like the ultimate opportunity because everyone thinks Colombia – bad. Drug capital, kidnapping capital, and yet it is one of the most emerging places in that continent. I think there’s opportunity there because of that.

Yeah. So my cousin married a Colombian girl, and I’m going to see her next week for Thanksgiving. At the wedding reception, they’ve got guards with tuxedos and machine guns outside. It’s just like, I don’t know, man. I really want to be into this, but I just can’t get past some of the issues with some of these countries. They’re really undeveloped. Chile is getting great marks right now – everything I read about Chile is awesome, right? But what was it, just over 10 years ago, Chile was a dictatorship. How do you know that won’t change again?

The point is: diversify. That’s really the key to all of this.

Absolutely. Listen, I would rather have the country because I’ve spent a lot of time, like I said, in Cambodia, where obviously there are horrible atrocities happening. I’ve spent a lot of time in the former Yugoslavia states, Serbia, and do you know what I always hear from these people, Jason? I was just talking to a couple of people in Serbia, for instance, and they remember when their parents either lost it all or their parents maybe prepared, but everybody else lost it all. They remember the hyperinflation, they remember the atrocities, they remember all of the stuff that went wrong. I’d rather be in that country where people know what Government is capable of and people want to be headed in the right direction. I’d rather be in Lithuania where they remember ‘Hey, we’ve got to get away from this USSR.’ I’d rather be there than a country where everyone is just sitting fat and happy with what I call ‘the Paris Hilton effect’, which is where it’s been so long since anyone’s done anything that’s turned on the spigot of wealth that we forget how wealth is created and we figure it just comes from the trees or from the heavens. We feel like we’re so entitled, and because we figure that wealth can never possibly end, Jason, the way that all these other empires have ended, we’ll just say ‘Government, do it all for us. You want to take our pension plan? I’m sure it’s for the best.’
I’d rather be in the place where they’ve seen the dictatorship.

Yeah, and by the way, I think that is going to be the low-hanging fruit for the Government – nationalizing the pension plans, so be careful of that, folks. Get ready, that was a good subtle warning you just heard. That’s a good place to look.

It’s an interesting philosophy. I think that for better or for worse America’s got the reserve currency, they’ve got the biggest military the human race has ever known to defend it and keep it, and America has such geographical advantages because there’s just no threat with the oceans and the waterways we have. I just did a show on this yesterday with a former VP of Stratfor. It’s an interesting debate and it’s an ongoing one, but certainly, you are right in the fact that everybody should diversify because nobody really knows what’s going to happen. I agree with you on that, Andrew, for sure. These have been some good tips. Any more advice or tips you want to share on dual citizenship, second passports or banking, or businesses? The Panama solution you gave was really good.

Panama for five years. Yeah, for $10,000 you’re at the door. Here’s what we’ve found doing business with people all around the world. Americans now are kind of like our worst clients because they’re the ones who say ‘Ugh, $10,000 for a citizenship.’ We have people who are spending a million dollars and they’re clamoring and saying ‘Please can you help me because I want my family to go and live here or there’.

Well, a lot of them want to come into America. We’re probably still the most immigrated country in the world, I bet.

I think that the Chinese and people who are doing that are not aware of what they’re signing up for. They’re used to ‘Hey, I’ve got some money in Switzerland, don’t tell the Government’. They’d better be ready for the hurricane of disclosure that’s headed their way once they hit US shores, but here’s the most important part. When I was growing up, my family wanted to move to New Zealand or Australia or Chile. Those were all pretty good choices, but 20 years ago, what most people didn’t realize was they said ‘Alright, the US is going downhill, let’s substitute it.’ You know what? All those countries have their own problems, too. You want to go where you’re treated best, so Australia, if you want to live there, or if you want to live in the US, or wherever, great.

I live in Malaysia. It doesn’t mean I put all my money here, but I enjoy the freedom, I enjoy the quality of medical care at affordable prices, and then I go and put some gold in Singapore, and then I go and start my company in Hong Kong, and then I bank in all these different places. Don’t think you’re replacing the US for one other place – you’ve got to cherry pick. You’ve got to take the best of all worlds, and so for Panama, it’s citizenship. For a corporation, it may be Nevis or Hong Kong. There’s different things that are good for everything. Don’t just think it’s ‘Toss the US out, find the next place.’ There’s always different places to go.

Yeah, and I think that’s a very good point that you make because it’s not a replacement, it’s a basket. When people talk about investing, they invest in a basket of goods and that’s a good way to look at it. Very good. Andrew, give out your website.

We’re at www.NomadCapitalist.com, and we’re actually having – you and I were talking about this, Jason – an event where if people are looking to learn more about this kind of stuff, we’re going to be covering everything there is for three days in Cancun. You can find that at www.PassporttoFreedomEvent.com. If you want to come down to the beach and meet with the lawyers, and I know you know some of these guys, the tax guys, the second passport guys, I’ll be there and that’ll be a fantastic event. Hopefully you’ll join us, Jason.

Good stuff, good stuff. You’ve got a free report, which is interesting – The Seven New Safe Havens: How to Survive and Prosper in the New Golden Age, so that’s available at www.NomadCapitalist.com as well. I love the brand and your name, it’s awesome. Andrew, thanks for being on the show and informing us on some good ideas here.

Always great to be with you, Jason.

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