The Holistic Survival Show

Writing the Script for Humanity

Humanity faces many challenges, such as climate disruptions, species extinction, shortage of cheap oil, overpopulation, limited resources – a list that could go on and on. But...

Surviving the Three-Quarter Life Crisis

It’s a fact – many people suffer a mid-life crisis between the ages of 40 and 60. It is a transition period during which one realizes their life may be half over and they reflect...

This Pot Goes In the Coffee

With the states’ of Washington and Colorado already selling marijuana for medicinal and recreational use legally, we knew it was only a matter of time before some brisk, young...

How to Catch a Liar Every Time

Think about the times you have lied about something. Were they little white lies to save face or to protect someone? Was there a big lie that led to another lie or that, once...

Why Do Airplanes Crash?

Airplane safety has improved significantly, but there are improvements that can still be made to remove the fear that many people feel when boarding a plane. Author Dave Soucie...

Beat ADHD Without Ritalin

Jason Hartman feels our society is terribly overdosed on medications these days, so this topic is very important. He interviews Nicky VanValkenburgh about her book, Train Your...

Michael Rivero: What Really Happened?

Jason Hartman is joined by “What Really Happened?” radio host, Michael Rivero, to talk about numerous events throughout history and events happening today that have led many...

Marijuana: Medical Panacea or Gateway Drug?

It is commonly known that cannabis (marijuana) helps with glaucoma and the side effects of chemotherapy. What isn’t widely known is that our bodies possess an endocannabinoid...